In the begining of the middle

“Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World, and it will one day return there.” – The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

I'm going to start this post, as its my first post and only seems right to introduce myself. I will try to paint a picture of how I got here. To be honest I'm not really sure myself of where here is but let's just say it's a place where my thoughts and experiences hit the net and hopefully prove helpful and useful in doing so.

I am the Castaway, perhaps the last... or indeed maybe the first in an unending cycle of people who for whatever reason left the land they were born in and entered the world. At first daunted by a curious feeling of not belonging anywhere but as the journey progressed they began to know that they belong everywhere.

The mind began to open, culturally anchored beliefs began to fall away and an appreciation for the other as the self blossomed. And so I travel, I travel to get to know myself and this amazing world in which we live. To learn and grow (but not grow up ;-) 

I Live in the central Alps. I wasn't born there, I was born on a relatively small island known by recorded histories first inhabitants as Albion. It has changed a bit since then as has the name, the pages of history writing and rewriting its story and the story of the cultures that lived there for millennia, right up to today. I moved with my family at a young age over continents and seas to a place they call 'uthuru', It was not the land of my forefathers but a land of deep mystery and rich heritage. Uthuru shared some secrets with me. It was a slow waking up to release the world speaks in its natural state to us if we listen. Uthuru showed me it was good to walkabout. Walkabout by car, bus, train, bike, foot - whatever mode of transport you have to hand! (Although bare in mind the planet has to breathe). Walkabout out of your habitual routine and encounter the other, the unknown, the mysterious world outside because it's here we encounter ourselves if we pay attention.

Image by chungharu

I think I've always been naturally curious, curious of new flora, fauna, landscapes, seascapes, architectures, culture, history and food. Oh did I mention food? Love food.
Which seems to my mind anyway a good enough reason additionally to the quasi spiritual motivation I mentioned to get out and see the world. I don't have any pets so I can't take a cat with me perching on my shoulder or a friendly dog that surfs. I do however try to take my most amazing partner with me wherever I go. She's a huge inspiration and motivation for me and I hope to have a lot more adventures out there with her that I can tell you about. At the time of writing the earth has circled the sun 38.4 times since I was born and it's a little late but I've started learning the guitar.

Thanks for reading, Matty


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